Being a parent, you know how precious your children are and their health is everything.
When a friend or family member says, “just warning you, Jimmy has a cold! Nothing scary though we can still visit”. Or you meet a play date at the community park with kids/infants who are healthy and one kid coughs and has green snot coming from his nose. Or the dinner date comes and says “kids won’t eat, we have been a bit ill all week”
Never send your sick child to school. No play dates. Do not kiss or play with them. Germs will spread when they touch things, so it’s best to avoid bringing them out in public. Plus, I don’t need to be taking care of vomit messes, sicknesses, and paying for childcare. I do like to rest in bed without being an incubus of the plague that’s going around.
This is so much more than you think. You may think mothers are paranoid when they see the doctor rushing to wrap their children in cotton and wool. You can’t avoid germs as they are everywhere. So, there is no point in bubble-wrapping your child for safety purposes. You need to hear the horror story from a mother in the UK (Claire Henderson).
Her newborn girl, Brooke, was kissed on the mouth. For five days, the baby was in the hospital with herpes on her lips, cheeks and chin. She was very lucky, as cold sores can be deadly in newborns under 3 months, as Queensland showed last year; Mackay infant Eloise Lampton died from it days after her birth.
The main lesson from all of this is to not allow anyone to kiss your baby. No matter what, healthy or unhealthy, warns Claire Henderson. If someone has a cold sore, relay to them to that distance is needed. Here is a question, why would you visit a healthy, innocent, fragile newborn with cold sores on your lips? Why kiss them? And the lips?
There is no excuse at all for this. The first 6 weeks, the child has no immunity for germs that is carried on our body daily. In your case, its a cold sore or runny nose. For the baby, it means life or death! I have recently tried to visit my friends who have a baby, however, we have to wait 6 weeks. It isn’t heard by many, but it needs to be a rule. Its best so let out what you feel, instead of politely endangering the health and wellbeing of your child or loved one.
No more judging over-protective parents, there is a reason for fearing the kid’s health. Give your newborn baby a chance to be healthy without any sign of guilt for doing that. No newborn kisses on the lips anymore. It is forbidden. No more sick kids around the baby. And if your kids are sick, do not visit.
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