Those with eyelids that usually sag and droop certainly understand how annoying they can be.
When the skin is loose, applying make up in this area is extremely challenging and it can also make them look older.
Generally, droopy eyelids is occasioned by the natural aging process.
Nonetheless, they can also be caused by some diseases, nerve damage, or some kind of injury around this area. Eggs provide one of the most effective natural remedies for this problem.
Eggs have been used by people for centuries as part of natural home remedies to enhance their appearance. They’re mixed in various kinds of facial treatments, as well as mask for hair and skin hydration, reducing scars, protection against dark spots and acne, eliminating blackheads, and tightening the skin that surrounds the eyes.
To treat droopy eyes naturally, this is what you should do:
- Wash off all makeup from your face before drying it well.
- Open one egg and remove its yolk.
- Apply the egg white directly on your eyelids using a cotton swab, making sure no content enters your eyes.
- Keep your eyes closed until the whites become dry.
- Wash your face with lukewarm water before drying it with a towel.
You’re advised to use this remedy everyday, as it’s completely natural and devoid of any side effects. You should notice positive improvement in the first 2-3 days.
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